It honestly depends on the state you reside in. Most seem to require that you have insurance on it because a scooter is, after all, a vehicle. Check with your local insurance agency to see if they offer scooter insurance in your area.
Unfortunate for the average and everyday electric scooter driver most insurance companies do not cover the price of an eletric scooters and see it only as a reacreational device.
An Electric Scooter
Scooter insurance in not just for teenagers, but for good drivers of all ages. Most states now require that you have your scooter insured. this is not just to protect other drivers from you, but to protect you from other drivers!
any scooter or moped that is over 50cc requires insurance. if it is under 50cc, it is recommended by some that you get insurance but that would be a waste and is not necessary. it depends on your feelings about it though. CORRECTION: Any scooter that Equal to, OR Less than 50cc, does not require a license nor insurance in most states.
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There is a big difference in the performance between a gas scooter and an electric scooter. A gas scooter has a lot more power and can reach higher speeds than an electric scooter. That being said, the cost to drive an electric scooter is cheaper than gas.
Scooter insurance does not cover more than motorcycle insurance. Essentially motorcycle insurance is scooter insurance and in general, is insurance coverage for 2-wheel vehicles.
plain scooters are more for tricks but electric scooter are way heavier.
Yes, a lot of auto insurance companies also offer scooter insurance. You should check with your auto insurance company to be sure that it carries scooter insurance.