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Supposedly it can actually be used to remove vandalism spray paint from your car without hurting the original car paint.

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Q: Does WD-40 hurt your car paint?
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I have found that WD40 works wonders for removing paint overspray

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Try WD40 spray it on a soft cloth and gently rub the paint. Let the WD40 work to soften the paint over spray. WD40 is a solvent and a cleaner as well as a penetrating oil. It may take some time to get it all off just go slow and don't damage the finish of the car. Good Luck!

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You'll need a petroleum based product like WD40 or Goo Gone plus elbow grease to remove the sap. Avoid using WD40 on car paint, though.

Will human urine hurt car paint?

No it won't.

Does WD40 harm a cars paint job or anything else?

wd40 is a lubricant some people use it to take tar off their cars so it souldnt hurt the paint.and i use the stuff for lots of other things hope i helped. fatcat101

Will latex paint go over WD40 oli?

Latex paint will go over WD40 but will not adhere. I work at paint stores and we spray our mixing tables with WD40 so that the paint cans will slide easily and any spilled or splashed paint will peel off if dried.

Does egg yolk hurt car paint?

Not that I know of. Yes The york does ruin a paint job if you egg a car you have to pay for the whole paint job 1 egg car cost $1,000

Can acrylic paint hurt car paint?

No, however if it's not removed correctly, there could be some damage.

Does WD40 hurt a difficult lock?

no it does not, if anything it will help it.

Does silly string hurt car paint?

Yes it can if it has dried and your trying to remove it. It can damage your Clear Coat more than your actual car paint. If you remove it right away than no your car will be fine.