Ricky Gervais's birth name is Ricky Dene Gervais.
Ricky Gervais was born on June 25, 1961.
Ricky Gervais was born on June 25, 1961.
Ricky Gervais was born on June 25, 1961
Ricky Gervais was born on June 25, 1961
Meet Ricky Gervais was created on 2000-09-22.
Meet Ricky Gervais ended on 2000-10-27.
Robbie Williams, Ricky gervais, Russell brand, Daniel radcliffe
The cast of Ricky Gervais Meets... Larry David - 2006 includes: Larry David as himself Ricky Gervais as himself
The cast of Ricky Gervais Meets... Garry Shandling - 2006 includes: Ricky Gervais as himself Garry Shandling as himself
The cast of Ricky Gervais Meets... Christopher Guest - 2006 includes: Ricky Gervais as himself Christopher Guest as himself