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Typically, no-fault insurance will reimburse for lost wages. However, you won't receive 100% of the wages lost, because the benefit is tax free. There are also other monthly caps, so it's best to contact your agent for all the specifics.

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Q: Does No Fault insurance reimburse for lost wages and time even if you use employment sick leave?
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If you quit your job during pregnancy would the insurance continue to cover you?

Check with the insurance company and your employment. If your employment had the insurance than more than likely the answer is no. You may get a coverage like COBRA when you leave or they may let you pay the premiums until the birth.

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It depends on your company, and the way that they have set up the plan. Some of the group life insurance is portable, which means that it comes with you when you leave if you so desire. Other types of group life terminate as soon as you leave employment.

Can you collect lost wages from your insurance company in a no fault claim even if you were paid by your employer for disability collected sick leave while you were out of work?

You will have to read the contract. Insurance contracts differ.

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COBRA insurance is a program that allows you to continue your health insurance coverage after you leave employment. It usually covers you and your family for up to 18 months and you are responsible for the entire premium.

If you are in an automobile accident in Mass and the other driver has revoked insurance and leaves the scene are you automatically not at fault?

No, if you were negligent, and 'at fault' you still are, however, if they leave the scene doesn't sound like you will have to fix their vehicle, but you could still have a 'chargeable' accident on your policy.

Getting A Handle On Employment Insurance?

In the global economic recession, more and more workers are unexpectedly finding themselves out of work. The net result is that securing a lasting job is more difficult than ever before. Employment insurance is one of the most efficient and valuable ways you can protect you and your loved ones. Earning power means survival, and losing this can leave you in an unfortunate situation. By searching your local insurance companies or current insurers and asking what they offer in the means of employment insurance, you can take an important step forward in securing your means of living should the unexpected happen.

If your car door was hit in a parking lot when you were getting out and your insurance says you are 100 percent at fault is there any way to argue this?

You can always "argue" with an insurance company (or anyone). The end result will probably be the same though. Insurance companies seldom leave any loopholes for the consumer to slide through.

Can your employer charge back insurance after maternity leave if you decide not to return to work?

In general, if the insurance was in force at the time of the pregnancy, the coverage will apply according to its terms. If the employee qualifies for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) benefits, and decides not to return to work, the employee and the employee are generally allowed to agree to terms by which the employee can reimburse the employee for the cost of insurance that remains in force during the FMLA coverage period.

Does YOUR health insurance continue after you leave YOUR job?

People who leave their place of employment are entitled to continuing health care coverage through COBRA, if there are 20 or more people working at the company. COBRA will provide coverage from 18-36 months after you leave your job.

Does a group health insurance co9mpany have to cover you if you leave your job?

In general, if the employer has more than 20 employees, it is subject to COBRA laws. Part of that involves, if employment terminates for one of several reasons, currently including voluntary quitting, COBRA insurance continuation benefits must be offered.

Should you hire a lawyer after car accident if you are at fault?

Still, it's important to know what you should and shouldn’t do because taking the wrong conduct can bring you plutocrat and beget redundant hassle that can be avoided, If you were involved in a car accident and you were easily at fault. Hiring a motor vehicle accident counsel after a car accident that was your fault is a good first step, before speaking to the insurance companies. attorneys know how to deal with insurance companies and can help alleviate any claims that are made against you by the other parties involved in the accident. What You Should Do After You suppose You Caused a Car Accident Still, try to stay calm, If you suppose( or know for sure) that you caused an accident to do. There is the way you should do after a car accident whether or not you were at fault, and you should stay focused to ensure you do( or don’t do) certain effects. There are many effects to keep in mind following a car accident. First, noway leave the scene of an accident. You could be turning a bad situation into a much worse situation that may involve felonious charges. At the bare minimum, you should change insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident. However, you're anticipated to call the police, If there's some degree of property damage or a person has been hurt. While you stay for the authorities to arrive, it's stylish to keep to yourself and avoid saying anything that could make the situation worse for you. Don’t admit fault or apologize, indeed if you suspect you were the cause of the accident. It’s accessible to feel nervous and shaken under the circumstances but you should avoid the following : • Agitating what you were doing before the crash • Talking about who you suppose was to condemn • Apologizing or making any statements that may indicate you were at fault • Asking the other motorists questions to try to determine whether they made a mistake as well Insurance Options After a car accident, it's important to understand the insurance options. Certain countries have different options when it comes to insurance claims for auto accidents. No-Fault Several countries have no-fault insurance laws which means that every motorist has their auto insurance, and you'll claim with your own insurance company whether or not you were at fault. No-fault content should give benefits for your medical bills and lost stipend whether you were at fault or not. New Jersey is a no-fault insurance state. Fault- Grounded In a fault-grounded state, you'll file an insurance claim with the company that covers the at-fault motorist. That motorist’s policy should give benefits for an accident victim’s medical costs and other losses. New Jersey isn't a fault-grounded state, so this is likely not going to affect you unless you were in an accident out of state. Particular Injury Protection( PIP) Insurance This is an extension of auto insurance that covers medical expenses. However, anyhow of fault, unless it’s indicated that your health insurance is primary, If you were injured in a car accident.

Is motorcycle insurance required in South Dakota?

no but if you leave it is