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You bet they do. Volkswagen is one brand.

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Q: Does Germany export cars to the United States?
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What does the United States export?

Cereal, hammers, cars, a lot o' stuff, ect.

What types of cars does Germany export?

German cars

What is the major export of Germany?

cars or beer

What products does Germany export to the US?

Germany exports mostly cars and heavy machinery.

What country are Volvo cars made in?

Volvo cars were originally owned by a Swedish company, but now they have markets creating Volvo cars in the United States, China, Sweden, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

What are the countries producing BMW cars?

Germany, United States, South Africa, India, Canada, & Egypt.

Which countries sell the most cars?

Countries that sell most cars includeÊChina, United States, ÊJapan ,Germany and South Korea. China Êsold more than 20 million Êcars in 2013.

Why does Mexico export ca parts to the US?

Because not all cars are assembled in Mexico. For instance, Mexico produces windshields which are then exported into the US and later assembled as finished cars in the United States.

Which country makes the most reliable cars?

Japan, United States, South Korea, Germany, & Great Britian in that order.

What country makes the best car?

There are lots of countries but the best ones are Italy, Germany, and the United States. The United States imports all of its cars, stores, and many more to Canada. The United States is Canada's biggest trading partner.

Who does Japan trade with?

China and the United States are Japan's largest trading partners. Others include Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Australia. Cars are Japan's largest export.