

Does GM own Toyota

Updated: 9/15/2023
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13y ago

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No Toyota is doing just fine and never bought by any other company . But you should not believe every thing people say or what is online

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Q: Does GM own Toyota
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How much Toyota stock does GM own?

GM does not own any stock in Toyota.

Does gm own any part of Toyota?

No GM does not own any part of Toyota.

How much stock does gm own?

GM does not own any stock in Toyota.

Does gm own stock in Toyota?


How much of General Motors stock does Toyota own?

18 % in a joint venture g.m. and Toyota in 1983 g.m. gave Toyota a plant that g.m. had not used in 25 years toy Toyota .in return Toyota gave g.m. a % of stock.

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NO. GM doesn't even own GM. The Government owns GM.

Is Toyota better then GM?

Toyota products are better in many ways, i.e. higher reliability which is higher quality and higher durability, lower annual operating and maintenance costs, better fuel efficiency, and the most important indicator is Toyota has higher resale value. What that means is the public experience of owning Toyota products is above GM. I, and millions of others, own only Toyota products rather than compromise for lesser GM, Ford , or Chrysler goods. Any other questions you have?

Does Toyota employ more American workers than GM?

No, GM employees twice as many americans than Toyota. The chart was a little hard to read. But it looks like Toyota employees about 31,000 US workers to GM's 63,000 US workers.

Will gm rims fit Toyota?

I was told they did!

Is toyota t-iv compatible with gm t-iv?

Yes, GM T IV fluid is the same as the Toyota T IV. for example, a Pontiac vibe uses the same fluid as the Toyota Matrix. both have identical components from the engine to the transmission. they both came out of the same factory joint owned by Toyota and GM.

Has GM ever owned Toyota?

No Toyota is a solid company and not owned by any other company.

Can gm rims fit a Dodge Dakota?

no, they wont. gm wheels fix Nissan and Toyota's for sure.