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All 50 states reciprocate drivers records.

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Q: Does Arizona report to California dmv?
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Does the California DMV report used car sales to the IRS?

No. The DMV has no idea what you paid for it or sold it for, so they have no amount to report to the IRS.

Will CA report your speeding ticket to Florida?

Yes, California will report it to Florida and The Florida DMV will assign points in accordance with Florida law.

Can Ohio suspend a California license?

Sort of. The Ohio DMV can report a violation California. California may then in turn suspend the license until the infraction in Ohio is cleared up.

Does the Alaska DMV report to the Colorado DMV?

Yes they do.

Anyone have have dmv cheat sheet for California?

California DMV Cheat Sheets can be found at Best, Josh

How does the dmv in California know if you failed driving test?

You should be taking your driving test AT the DMV, from a DMV examiner. He will record your score on the DMV computer record data base. This would be for the written or road test. Even if you take you tests from a third party tester, he/she would still need to report it to the DMV.

Do Arizona speeding tickets transfer to California dmv?

Sure does. No matter where you go, traffic tickets and driver licenses issues will always follow you unfortunately.

Your daughter lives in Arizona and we live in California what does she need to drive our car in Arizona?

well I'm sure you know she needs a drivers license, but a lot of it depends on how long she will be there, she may be required to change the the plates and also get an Arizona license. I would suggest to call the dmv for Arizona.

What does RDF in Progress mean on a California Vehicle Registration?

RDF stands for Report of Deposit of Fees. Usually DMV waiting for new owner to pay fees.

If involved in an accident in California without a police reportmy fault with damage to other vehicle does the insurance company file a report with dmv?

I ythinnk it depends which state you reside in. In most states, unless someone is injured or their is property damage you do not need to have a police report. Actually, many police will not write a report at all unless there is actual damage. If there was no report and no injury the DMV will not know in MHO>

If you get a speeding citation in Arizona but you live in Colorado will get back to your DMV and your insurance?

That's usually just a revenue scam from the local police departments. They want you to pay the fine by mail and then they won't send the report to your DMV to put points on your license. Just pay it, otherwise they WILL send a notice to your DMV, then you'll get to pay higher insurance rates.

How do you get a temporary vehicle registration in California?

Inquire at a DMV in California.