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Call your agent on this one. Different companies have different policies on this. Most of them do not charge for them until they have a driver's license but want them listed on the policy when they have a permit or some even ask that you list all children over a certain age such as 13 so they can ask about them later. For full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency in Central Georgia and have for the past 22 years. I worked a an agent with a direct writer for 3 years prior to that.

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Q: Do you put a teen on your auto insurance when they get their permit or drivers license in N.C.?
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Can you get auto insurance with a permit?

Yes you can get Auto Insurance with a permit. All drivers are required by law to carry financial responsibilty regardless of your license status.

Can you get auto insurance with a learners permit in Texas?

It is best to wait til you have your drivers license, I would check with your agent but you should be covered with the learners permit.

Do you need auto insurance when you have a learners permit?

Yes you do If you have a learners permit, you should always be accompanied by an adult that has a valid drivers license , And yes the car most be insured.

Do you have to get auto insurance when you get your license?

No. You need not get insurance when you get a drivers license, but you must get insurance when you buy your own vehicle

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

If you lose your drivers license what happens to your auto insurance?

you die

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yes you can get a auto loan without a license but you can not get auto insurance with out one and you can't complete the loan closing without insurance.

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

Do you have to have auto insurance if you have a drivers license but no car?

If you have your G2 or higher you need insurance to drive.

Can I get auto insurance at State Farm with a permit and temporary or paper license?


Can you get finance for auto loan with a learner permit?

No you need to have a drivers license. It is illegal to drive a car without a drivers license and that is how the finance company looks at it.