I may not understand you question completely. Auto insurance really has nothing to do with owning a house. Your auto insurance is to be purchased in the state where you reside. If you live elsewhere for part of the year you always need to make sure your insurer is aware of the situation and where you are at the time. This doesn't mean you have to notify the company for a week long vacation. I have had athletes and such who lived part-time in other states which complicates issues for some insurance companies and can effect you and your service. For instance some companies operate in one or two states or on a regional basis while others are nationwide. For companies that operate on a limited basis it's fine unless you have an accident in an area where they don't have claims adjusters, attorneys to represent you in the event of a suit, etc. The insurance company will always make it work by hiring independent adjusters and such but it always costs them more and may be slower service for you. For full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency in Georgia and have for the past 22 years. I also worked for a direct writer for the 3 years before that.
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Anybody, regardless of age, operating a motor vehicle in the State of Florida needs a policy of liability insurance.
you only need auto insurance if you driving. upon buying a car, you should get insurance.
Auto collision insurance weiver of deductable
You do need to have insurance to actually purchase an auto. You will however need auto insurance to drive the car off of the lot. Insurance is also required prior to registering a vehicle.
Your auto insurance covers the trailer as well so there is no need for travel trailer insurance.
You will need an insurance license and the associated traiing to open an auto insurance business
Yes. They are different.
You will need to contact your agent or the policy services dept for your insurance company to get the answer to your question.
Your homeowners insurance will cover your garage door subject to your deductible since it is part of your house. Your Home insurance does not cover damage to a vehicle though. That's what Auto insurance is for. Your friend will need to contact his auto insurance to fix his vehicle.
Yes, you need a license to sell pet insurance in Florida. You can contact the local insurance commission to find out about the requirements.