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yes you have to change gear in any vehical that is a stick. you can change it to 1st gear or neutral. but on the other hand with a automatic their is no need to change gear they put a auto clutch system in vehicals like that.

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There can be several causes for the gears in a Mercedes A160 automatic gearbox to slip and not shift up to higher gears. One of the main causes is a leak in the intake. This could be a leak from a connection, or even a case of the intake bolts not tightened enough.

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I'm not exactly great with cars, but I think I may know the answer to this one. If, during the warm weather, it is on the more humid side, your gears may simply be sticking, and the warm weather might also cause the gears to expand slightly. Hopefully this is a little helpful!

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Check the transmission fluid level. Check the linkage from the shifter to the transmission housing. If that isn't the culprit, then you'll have to tow it to the shop.

What is the name of the thing you use to shift gears in a car?

Shifter or Shift Knob

Can you down shift on motorcycles?

Yes motorcycle gears will shift up and down.

What does it mean if a car is manual?

you have to shift gears

How do you know when clutch fails?

You will be unable to shift gears

Where are gears located in a motorcycle?

The left leg shift.

What does a transmission in a car do?

The transmission allows you to shift gears.