Will be repossessed, be patient. You either pay off, or pay off. No longer able to make payments. They will repossess the car and sue for the difference. Sorry.
You should pay off your repossessed car if you want to fix your credit quickly. If you are not worried about your credit, you can wait to pay off the car or file for bankruptcy.
if the car dealership does not pay for the car in full or pay their bills then the car would most likely be repossessed
that's the point of repossession. you cant pay, they take it away.
Pay it off. It will still likely be repossessed.
yep....pay it off so they cant
Not sure of your question. Do you mean do you still owe after the car is repossessed? Or do you mean do you have to pay off a loan to buy a repossessed vehicle? It depends on the state you are in, contact the lender.
Once a car has been repossessed, you as the owner of the vehicle have the obligation to repay any amount still owed on the loan. Once a car is repossessed, it is often sold in a repossessed cars auction by the finance company. The amount which the car was sold for will be deducted from the total loan amount and then the difference will be owed by yourself. So yes you would have to pay the whole vehicle off if it was repossessed.
IF you can pay it off AFTER it is sold, it will still show as a repo on your credit. BUT if you can payoff then, pay it off NOW and you get to keep the CAR.
Your car was probably repossessed by the lender who owns the car until you pay for it. Call your lender and they will be able to tell you how to locate your repossessed car.
YES. Read your contract.
In almost all cases, YES. At the very least you will pay the difference in what the car sells for and the balance on the note.