It is about $17.00 from Wisconsin to Pennsylvania. Wisconsin has no toll roads but Illinois does.
Toll booth
If the toll is for the GWB you can go to and proceed to the violations page, for NY unpaid tolls you can go to and proceed to the violations page.
The budget of Illinois State Toll Highway Authority is 696,000,000 dollars.
The law intended to make it easier to collect tolls and toll violations from individuals who attempt to avoid them is typically referred to as toll enforcement laws. These laws provide authorities with the ability to enforce toll payments and penalize those who do not comply with toll regulations.
how much highway toll between georgia and milwaukee wisconsin
Delaware, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, West Virginia, and of course Illinois. Source:
There isn't a way to travel from Minneapolis, Minnesota to Chicago, Illinois without encountering a toll booth. If you take a train, you can avoid paying a toll.
Generally not. Most companies do not change your insurance rate for non-driving violations.
See related links for the Illinois Tollway site page to remit unpaid tolls online. To "snail mail" your payment, send it to: Illinois Tollway, Attn: Cash Handling Division, 2700 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515.