

Best Answer
Insurance DedutiblesIt depends on your insurance company and coverage. After receiving a letter in the mail from 21st Insurance and reading through the paphlets enclosed, I have come to the understanding that some insurance companies offer a no-deductible service if your car and the other car involved are covered under the same company. Assuming the fact that both your cars are on the same insurance policy it would seem that if your insurance company offers this service you shouldn't have to. I recommend contacting your company and determing if this is a service they either offer or if you have to pay extra for it. Hope this information helped.
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Q: Do you have to pay both deductibles if you hit your own second car?
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What happens if you hit another car owned by you Do you pay the deductibles for both cars?

you have to pay for the damage since insurance will only briefly cover it

If you accidentally hit your wife's car with your car and both vehicles are insured on the same policy will you have to pay two deductibles or will it be treated as a single accident?

You need to check with your agent. In some cases, accidents involving relatives are not covered.

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If you are driving their car and hit their car, then their insurance will pay for the damage on both cars. If you are driving your car and hit their car, then your insurance will pay for the damage on both cars.

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If a parked car is hit my a moving car, the moving car is obviously at fault. If a moving car is hit by a car backing out of a space, the second car is at fault for failure to yeild, as the first car had right of way. If two cars are backing out and hit each other, it may be hard to determine who's at fault, as both driver's vision may have been compromised.

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is fault of car behind the second car not yours

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The character Kise was never hit by a car. This applies to both the anime and the manga.

Would you have to pay two deductibles if you hit one of your cars with another?

Ordinarily, if both cars were insured under the same auto policy, many insurers waive the deductible on both. This is likewise the case if two unrelated insureds of the same insurer have a collision.

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You both are.

You were involved in an accident where a car was stopped to turn right the second car was passing on the shoulder and you hit this car who is to blame?

Assuming you are in the car that stopped at the light and you hit the car that was passing, It is obvious the car passing illegally on the right gets the ticket and the blame and had better have insurance.

Are you responsible if you hit a car that is double-parked?

It all depends. Both you and the car that is double parked are responsible. when you do hit a car that is double parked, and the person is not at his/her car, make sure you leave a note saying that you hit his/her car. why leave a note? ITS AGAINST THE LAW TO LEAVE A CRIME SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is at fault if you are both backing out of parking stalls opposite each other and you hit her?

Most times it is a 50/50 fault situation. It can vary depending on who was more out of their sapce and/or where someone was hit. IE if one car was nearly out in the aisle and the other car backed into the side of them, the second car might be found more at fault. But the default not knowing the details is 50/50.