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This depends on a few factors. If it is sitting on a public road then it must be insured. Some states will not allow you to have a vehicle on your property that is not registered, and to be registered it must be insured so check your state laws.

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Q: Do you have to insure a car that is not driven?
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If you own two homes in different states and keep a car at each home in which state do you license and insure the cars?

You will insure the cars based on where they are driven the most. If you drive more in one state, insure the car there.

Does Texas require a car to be insured if it is not being driven?

Texas does not require car insurance if you are not driving it. You will have to insure it when you decide to drive it again.

If you buy a car from an auction do you have to insure the car?

Of course. Doesn't matter where or from whom one buys a car, do be driven on the public roadways, it must be insured.

Is auto Insurance less if vehicle is only driven for pleasure?

It can be, but don't get caught lie ing as then you will not be able to insure your car.

Can you insure a car in Texas with an Australian driver's license?

you can insure a car with no license

Can you insure your car for any driver?

You can insure the car if you list those drivers on the policy.

Can you insure your car on a revoked licence?

No. You must have a valid driver's license to insure your car.

Can you buy car insurance if your car is not registered?

Why would you need insurance if your car isn't going to be driven on public streets? Now... if you plan on preserving your car as a collectors item or the like... you can add it to your home insurance. Car insurance companies aren't going to insure a car that isn't being driven - if you have a collection at your home, it'll go under your home-owners insurance. ANC, esq.

How much does it cost to insure a car, at the bare minimum?

The bare minimum to insure a car is $500

Can you insure your car without registration?

Yes, some companies will insure your car without registration.

Is it possible to insure a car that doesn't belong to you?

If you insure it in the name of the person who owns the car, yes.

Do you need a drivers license to insure a car ?

In order to insure a car you must have a vaild drivers license for the state you are insuring your car in.