Bleed the master cylinder.& then rebleed the system.
did you replace the master cylinder if so it has to be bleed frist
There is still no fluid pressure. Make sure that the master cylinder was bled as well as the wheel cylinders. New master cylinders can be tough to bleed all of the air out. The new master could be defective.
you either need to bleed your brakes, add fluid or get a master cylinder
You bleed the rear brakes the same way you bleed the front brakes. If you can't get brake fluid to come out the rear bleeders you may have a faulty master cylinder or the master was allowed to empty out the reservoir that feeds the rear and now it is air bound. Removing the master cylinder and bench bleeding the master may be what you need to do and don't let the reservoir go dry!
Bleed the furthest from the master cylinder 1st then the rest in order of distance from the master cylinder.
You don't. You add it to the master cylinder and bleed the brakes.
get a new one then bleed your brakes A new Ford master cylinder must be bench bled before it is installed, or it will be impossible to bleed the system later.
Air in system? Remove and bench bleed master cylinder Bleed lines and calipers
Yes, you leave the cap off and make sure you keep the master cylinder full of fluid at all times. Bleed the brakes starting at the right rear and then moving to the LR, then RF, and ending at the LF.
Yes, replacing the booster is fairly easy. Just remember to bleed the brakes if you have to remove a brake hydraulic line. Bleed in this sequence. RR-LR-RF-LF
You need to "bleed" the brakes at each wheel. R