By practical means, yes, renters should have home content insurance. You will want to have coverage for your home if anything disastrous was to occur.
Renters Insurance doe snot cover "Real Property". If you have purchased a home then you need a Homeowners Insurance Policy.
Renters insurance is a necessity for anyone renting or subletting a home or apartment. Whether you live in a single family home, duplex, town home, condo, loft, studio or apartment, you need to have renters insurance to protect your belongings and your liability.
NO, But they can get Renters or Tenants insurance
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Content house insurance covers the items, or content, of the home itself. It does not cover the home as a structure and you will need separate insurance for that.
Yes, you will need renters insurance.
If your parents bought their house they do not need renters insurance but they do need house insurance. They should insure the house for two things, one for the contents and any damage to the home, and two if there is a mortgage they should have insurance to cover that in the event that anything should happen to either of them.
Renters insurance is needed in every state. Without it, any damage or theft of your personal possessions is your responsibility. Renters insurance covers your personal property.
If you rent an apartment, you don't need homeOWNERS insurance, but you you definitely need Renters Insurance, which is a form of homeowners insurance. Most renters' policies will protect your personal belongings from perils such as theft and fire. It will also reimburse you the cost of additional living expenses if your apartment or rented home is damaged by a covered peril. A renters policy will also give you liability insurance; don't thnk for a minute that if someone falls in your apartment that only your landlord will be sued. If your dog bites someone, it will also protect you if you get sued.
Your garage insurance should be covered by home owners insurance or renters insurance. I am not sure you would need liability insurance in a garage though, because no one else would be hurt in there.
Companies that provide home insurance can also provide insurance for the contents of a home. Most home insurance policies include insurance for the contents and extra insurance can be added for things like jewelry. Renters insurance is also available and insures just the contents for those who rent or lease and do not need to insure the home.
Without knowing more, it's hard to say, but in general, the higher the value of your possessions, the more renters' insurance you'll need to cover losses.