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Generally no, but it depends on how your policy is set up and how many claims you file a year.

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Q: Do premiums increase when you have a comprehensive claim?
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Do car insurance premiums increase after a comprehensive claim for a windshield?

A claim for windscreen glass will not normally affect the no claims discount of a motor insurance policy.... but your policy may be different, you need to read what it says.

Do car insurance premiums increase after a comprehensive claim for hitting a deer?

AnswerGenerally YES, they do increase, being that there is no "third party" so-to-speak in which the insurer can subrograte against.I say no, it is a comp claim and doesn't count against the driver. If the driver was cited for the incident, then they would go up.

Is it worth filing a claim if the total bill is only 300 above your deductible?

It is not worth it. Once you file a claim, your insurance premiums will increase for a couple of years. You should talk to your agent to see how long premiums will increase for and how much your increase will be. I would not file an insurance claim to get back $300. If it was over $1000, it might be worth it.

Did your premium increase when you canceled the claim process and paid for the damages yourself or left it damaged?

Any time you file a claim you run the risk of your premiums raising due to the labor the insurance company put into your claim.

How much would premiums be expected to increase for a child drowning in a HOA pool?

Insurance underwriting is a complex field, and there is no one simple answer to your question. It will depend on the circumstances of the loss, the amount of the claim paid, and dozens of variables. An answer could range from no increase to tripling premiums to loss of coverage altogether.

Do premiums increase when your car has been vandalized?

The majority of the times if you file a claim with your insurance company, your premiums will go up, regerdless of fault. Some companies have started accident forgivness programs but are usually bigger companies with higher rates.

What is some car insurance for young women?

Car insurance can be in the form of third party or fully comprehensive insurance which is very useful when driving locally and helps to increase insurance premiums

Do car insurance premiums go up when the wind knocks down a tree on your parked car?

That would be considered a comprehensive claim and with the majority of major insurance providers (think State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, Geico, Nationwide, etc) it will not effect your insurance premium. However, it's always best to check with your specific company if a comprehensive claim will effect your rates.

Does getting a ticket for stop sign violation increase insurance premiums?

Yes , All moving violations can cause an increase in your premiums.

What to do in a fender bender when no information was exchanged and police were not called?

You can either pay for the repairs yourself, or make a claim on your insurance. If you make a claim without the other driver's info or a police report, you will likey be deemd at fault and your premiums may increase.

Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to your car if a shovel falls on car while car is sitting in your garage?

A comprehensive insurance policy would probably cover damage as described. However, the deductible and potential premium increase for making a claim might make it more advantageous to not make a claim.

Does a motor accident claim drive up one's insurance premiums?

A motor accident claim will make one's insurance premiums go up. Most insurance companies will do this at the time of renewal though.