You sit inside a coach
Passengers sit IN coach on a plane IN a seat ON a coach Unless they are in India in whichcase they sit all over the coach
If you sit inside the wheel it's a Monowheel, if you sit on top it's a unicycle.
The coach, sleeper, and lounge/cafe cars are double. The diner car is double, but passengers are only allowed on the top level. The galley is on the lower level.
Inside the intake Plentum. Remove top half of plentum. In the center on the passengers side.
They sit on top of trees.
No toys were specifically supplied by Titanic for the passengers but there IS a classic photograph of the six-year-old Robert Douglas Spedden playing with a top near the aft of the ship.
To purchase a sit on top kayak, one can visit a sports superstore such as Sports Authority or Dick's Sporting Goods. These two stores contain sit on top kayaks.
Side chairs are small, usually leather chairs placed inside the office for guests to sit or for yourself. I use mine to sit and read a book or when I am working on a lap top and do not want a large desk.
Iceland sits on top of water.
Stagecoaches were horse-drawn vehicles used for long-distance travel in the 17th to 19th centuries. They operated on scheduled routes with multiple stops for passengers and mail. The coachman drove the stagecoach, while passengers sat inside or on top, enduring bumpy rides along rough roads.
Yes, you can take a sit-on-top kayak on a river. Sit on top kayaks come in many different configurations, which are specially designed for your activities. Sit-on-top kayaks can be designed for camping, fishing, etc. Depending on the activity you have in mind, you can find the best sit-on-top kayak for your excursion. The wide design of most SOTs provides great stability for fishing, scuba diving, or a relaxing paddle. Sit-on-top kayaks are available in molded as well as inflatable models.