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Licensed minors do not need to be listed on the parents' insurance policy in this state. Any family member is included on the primary driver's insurance. However, the insurance agent must be informed about the fact that minors will be driving the car. They must be listed as drivers on a form and have an insurance card to drive legally. There is a difference between having an insurance card and being listed on the policy. Simply because they are not listed on the policy does not mean the rates will not go up. Different regulations may apply in your area.

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Q: Do licenced minors have to be listed on the parents insurance policy?
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Currently there is no age limit to apply for Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance. There are age limits for minors who are still on their parents insurance.

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Car insurance for minors?


What is the standard policy for minors who are passengers in auto accidents and who gets the claim?

Anyone who suffers injury or property damage in a collision is allowed to file a claim to insurance companies. Damages are to be paid by the insurance company of the person deemed to be at fault. In the case of injury to minors, damages are to be paid to the parents or guardians.

Can a teenager get a California auto insurance quote without a parents permission?

If they're under 18, then no. Minors can't enter into contracts, so they need the parent to sign the policy.

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Do minors have to tell their parents about pregnancy?

No but they probably should

were can i go to get cheap, valuable medical insurance?

Medical insurance for minors can be obtained free of charge through your local Department of Human Service office. There are various programs that provide partial to full aid in medical insurance costs for minors.