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Only if they use the donor car chase. Normally a serial #.

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Q: Do kit cars have vin numbers?
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Related questions

What numbers in the vin is the year for cars?

VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. The number in the VIN that corresponds to the year for a car is the tenth number.

Where do I learn how to decode vin numbers for automobiles?

I found this site for you, hope it helps out:

Are Heavy Trucks given Vehicle Identification Numbers?

Yes they have vin numbers just like cars.

How do I find out the VIN number of a used car?

Vehicle Identification Numbers or VIN numbers are an easy way to track a cars history, including ownerships, value and accident records. You can look up VIN numbers online at websites including and

Finnding vin numbers on old cars?

Finding VIN numbers on old cars can be a tricky business because the area where they were placed was not uniform for all manufacturers. Older Fords usually had a serial number on the door frame or door itself. Some other manufacturers put the serial numbers on the firewall. VIN numbers were not uniformly installed in vehicles until the late 1960's.

How can you research a 1937 Chevy VIN?

Cars older than 1970 do not have VIN numbers. ?æThey have serial numbers. ?æThe serial number is stamped on a plate to the firewall on the passenger side.

Can you get a title for a concept car?

Usually no, because concept cars/ prototypes, usually don't have a vin #, haven't gone thru federal safety testing. Not for street use. Usually get a Bill of sale only. You can build your own car from a kit and get a title. Is that considered a concept car? Possibly. Trust your local DMV to provide you with the correct answer. Kit cars are not concept car and usually use a donor car, the kit is in production and base/use parts, (I.E. the motors, brakes from production vehicles). Kit cars frames have to meet a safety standard. If it has a vin maybe< but I've never seen one with a vin.

Where is the serial number on a 1995 trams am?

cars dont have serial numbers, they are called vin numbers, it is located at the botton edge of the windshield on the driverside

How can you get classic car vin history?

Older cars built before the VIN became the standard do not have a VIN #. In the mid 1950's American automobile manufacturers began stamping and casting identifying numbers on cars and their parts. The vehicle identification number has become referred to as the "VIN". The obvious purpose was to give an accurate description of the vehicle when mass production numbers were starting to climb in very significant numbers. Research has shown that early Vin's came in all sorts of variations which depended on the individual manufacturer at that time. In the early 1980's the National Highway Traffic Safety Adminstration required that all road vehicles must contained a 17 character VIN. This established the fixed VIN system for major vehicle manufacturers that is known today. As older classic cars did not contain the VIN # is impossible to find a history.

Where are the Vin numbers on 1949 Buick?

Vin numbers on 1949 Buick?

What is a vin number and is it required?

A car VIN is a 'Vehicle Identification Number' and it usually contains 17 numbers, all cars have them and this prevents car theft in many cases. It is the identification for a SPECIFIC automobile

How do you do a vin lookup for cars?

Vin is present on a metal plate at the driver's side dashboard. it consist of17 numbers which determines the origin, manufacturer, company, year, model, type, engine, etc..