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over charged for 8 years on an sr-22 by progressive insurance and trying to get my money back have had extemely rude deprecatory emails was charged 50.00 per year filing fees plus i need to know if sr-22 filers pay a higher premium and how much

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Q: Do insurance premiums go up with an SR-22 filing?
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Does your auto insurance rates go up if an sr22 certificate filing is added yo your policy?

An SR22 is not a policy, it is a certification endorsement added to your policy. Yes your insurance premium will likely go up but not because of the sr22 filing. Your rates may go due to the violation that led to your need for the sr22 in the first place. The SR22 is only required due to a serious violation.

Can you go to your auto insurer and get copy of your insurance policy and send it to the depatment of motor vehicle office as proof of insurance instead of sending the sr22 form?

No. the State will not accept your policy instead of the SR22 Filing required by law. The SR22 requirement is more than just proof of your current insurance. There is also a requirement that your Insurance Company notify the state if your policy lapses, cancels or expires for any reason during the court required filing term which is usually for 3 years from the date of your offense.

Will my auto ins rates go up after requesting an SR22?

In general, Yes. All Insurers know that an SR22 filing is only prompted by a violation of law of some type.

Will my home insusrance will go up if you file a claim due to a robbery?

Typically, filing a claim for a robbery can cause your home insurance rates to go up. Insurance companies may see you as a higher risk for future claims. It's a good idea to check with your insurance provider to understand how filing a claim could impact your premiums.

Should you go and pay your reinstatement fee and get sr22 insurance before you go to court or will they just suspend them again?

Yes, you should get it before you go to court. If you appear in court without the required Sr22 Certificate the judge will have no choice but to suspend your license as you are continuing to demonstrate that you have no desire to comply with the law. As far as will they suspend your license anyway, well that depends on just how bad a driver the court perceives you to be. But if you go to court and have not obtained your sr22 filing you are guaranteed they will suspend your drivers license.

What are the car insurance rates offered by SR22?

There are many different insurance carriers that offer SR22 Insurance. You should seek out an insurance broker in your neighborhood to find out more as information online can be misleading. It is better to sit down with a broker and go over all of your options.

Why do you have to have sr22 insurance?

you have to have sr22 because it is something that cures all your pain when and if you have aids then it can make it go away but you must have insurance. In order to discuss this further check out my std/aids website check it out it can get you through alot.

How and where can you get sr22 insurance in Atlanta?

The answer is easy! Go to or call They will help you out and once you have everything fixed they can save you even more money on insurance.

Do fixed car insurance premiums ever increase?

If you were involved in an accident that was your fault, regardless of the terms of your insurance, your premiums will go up. You insurance agent can give you more details.

This question is just simply asking how much the sr22 costs.?

Sr22 insurance can be costly if you dont know where to look. Look to go with a local insurance company that you know will give you a good rate. You should expect to pay alot if you go to a bigger insurance, But i would reccomend getting a good coverage because it is something you need.

Why does the insurance company get paid back the money Isn't that why we pay our premiums?

You pay premiums because insurance companies are a business and they are there to make a profit. Also, the premiums you pay go into a pool of money so the insurance company can pay out claims when necessary.

Who is entitled to insurance proceeds between tenant and landlord?

That depends on the type of insurance policy it is. If it's the landlord's policy on his building, with him paying the premiums, then the insurance benefits go to him. For the insurance money to go to you, then you would have had to have taken out renters insurance, with you paying the premiums, insuring the contents (your personal belongings).