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They can.

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Q: Do injectors go out in a 5.9 dodge?
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Does a 2004 dodge neon has a carburetor or fuel injectors?

Fuel injectors.

How many fuel injectors on a 2001 dodge neon 2.0?

A 2001 Neon has four fuel injectors.

Does a 2001 dodge neon has fuel injectors?


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Where are the injectors on a dodge neon?

Front center of the engine, There are 4.

Does a 2001 dodge neon have fuel injectors?

Yes.....yes it does

Where can you purchase Dodge Cummins Injectors?

Dodge Cummins Injectors can be purchased from many suppliers that have this particular product. Some of the websites that one can order this product from include eBay and Injector Warehouse.

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How do you service the fuel injectors on a dodge 1997 5.9?

Add a fuel injection cleaner into the fuel tank or go to a garage that has a fuel injection service machine.

How many injectors does a 2003 dodge Dakota 3.9 lt have?


Hard or no start 03 dodge diesel?

Probably the fuel pump. Or the injectors.