Of course not. It's a function of weight, engine size, driving habits, aerodynamics, etc...
Yes. mileage is measured the same in all vehicles.
Mileage for this engine can range from as low as 13 mpg to as high as 30 depending on the year, make and model of the vehicle. The quality of fuel, as well as the quality of the lubricating oil used can have an impact on mileage. Driving habits can affect the mileage of any vehicle. That is why all mileage claims advertised always have the disclaimer, "Your actual mileage may vary"....
The cost of gasoline is rising, and this means more and more people are on the lookout for ways to improve their vehicle's gas mileage. The easiest way to get better gas mileage is to simply keep the vehicle maintained. The air filter, engine, and tires all play a part in a vehicle's gas mileage. By regularly replacing the air filter, keeping the engine in tune, and ensuring the tires are always properly inflated, a vehicle's gas mileage can be improved. In addition to better gas mileage, these steps promote the vehicle's overall performance and longevity, saving car owners money.
They're all releavant. Mileage, for the obvious reasons. Year, to identify common deficiencies and recalls with that vehicle. Model, for the same reasons as year.
I would recommend the Honda CRV but the Mazda CX5 is also an excellent vehicle. The fuel mileage for both vehicles is about the same in the real world. Drive them both and see which one you like. After all it is your money and what you like is what really counts. You will not go wrong with either vehicle.
I would say so. But make sure that if you do decide to go all in and purchase a new vehicle, make sure it has GREAT gas mileage. If not, stick with your old car.
If this vehicle has high mileage I would start with the plug\wires and oxygen sensors. These would all affect fuel mileage on higher mileage vehicles. Hope this helps you.
Speedometer/odometer accuracy will not be correct. Center of gravity will change (roll over factor). Handling and performance and fuel mileage will change, probably not for the better. All 4 wheels must be of same size if vehicle is 4 wheel drive or all wheel drive.
Depends entirely up on the miles per gallon that vehicle gets. All four-cylinder vehicles do not get the same fuel mileage.
While the safety features, transmission, mileage, and engine were all important, so were the style and total image of the vehicle. Cho knew that he needed to sell all of those aspects in a single vehicle.
No it does not give you better gas mileage, all it does is helps with any loss of horse power and white smoke coming from the tailpipe due to burning antifreeze.