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What you may be referring to is a disability waiver of premium. This is a provision that is generally available, for an additional premium, that waives the payment of premiums upon the disability of the person who is responsible for the payment of premiums.

The disability waiver is, as stated, an option that is usually selected at the inception of the policy. In direct answer to your question, not all policies have them.

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Q: Do all term life insurance policies have disability?
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Endowment policies. In normal life insurance policies, if you outlive the policy term you wont get any money. Whereas, in case of endowment policies, the insurance company returns a big % of your insurance premium to you at the end of the tenure. So, these policies are much higher in terms of premium when compared to regular or pure-term life insurance policies.

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Disability isn't usually "rolled into" a life insurance policy, but you can buy both life and disability coverage from MetLife or Guardian Life, for example.

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Can you collect on a life insurance policy if you have a long term disability before death?

Not specifically for a long term disability, but you can collect if you have a terminal illness.

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No, generally speaking, no term life insurance policies have cash value.

Where can I find good rates on term life insurance policies for 30 year olds?

Farmers Insurance and State Farm are two larger and more established life insurance companies. Both are based in the US and over term life policies.