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Torque is the measurement of turning force. A wrench applies torque to a bolt. A motor or engine provides torque to do work.

Horsepower is the measurement of the work done or ability to do work. This is done by taking the speed the engine is operating at (RPM) and what torque it is producing and applying a formula to give a horsepower rating.

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Q: Difference between horsepower and torque
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What horsepower is 18.5 gross ft pounds of torque?

There isn't a direct conversion between horsepower and torque in foot-pounds. Horsepower is a measure of power, while torque measures rotational force. Horsepower can be calculated using a formula that includes torque and engine speed.

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A 1000 is known as a liter-bike or 1000cc motorcycle. A 500 is a 500cc or half-liter-bike. cc means cubic centimeters which is the size of the piston(s). The difference between, at present circa 2010, a 1000cc and a 500cc motorcycle is size, weight, horsepower and torque; the 1000 is going to have 150+/- horsepower and 115+/- Nm(newton meters) ft/lbs. of torque; the 500 will have around 50+/- horsepower, 30+/-Nm(newton meters) ft./lbs. of torque.

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Torque is "twisting power" whereas horsepower is motivational. They do not directly translate. Had to guess it is between 4HP and 6HP. Sorry but precision is no available!

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How much torque can you get with 400 horsepower?

Torque(lb/ft) = (5252 * horsepower) / RPM

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Why is the relationship between torque horsepower and RPM not linear In automobile terms.?

The relationship between torque, horsepower, and RPM in an automobile is not linear because torque and horsepower are related through the equation: horsepower = (torque x RPM) / 5252. Since torque and RPM do not increase or decrease at the same rate, the relationship between all three variables is not linear. Torque typically peaks at lower RPMs, while horsepower peaks at higher RPMs in internal combustion engines.

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One difference between dynamic torque and static torque is the level of difficulty to measure. Static torque is each to measure, while dynamic torque is not. This is because it requires a transfer of an electric or magnetic effect.

What is the difference between brake horsepower and horsepower?

The difference between brake horsepower and horsepower or wheel horsepower, they are the same thing, is that brake horse power is the power produced by the crank. The wheel horsepower is the amount of power delivered to the wheels. Brake horsepower refers to the method used to test the engine. A brake is attached to the engine and used to maintain the engine at a constant RPM at full throttle. The delivered power output is then a simple calculation of RPM times torque. Horse power is based on the average amount of work that a horse could do in a day. It is taken to be 746watts. well you guessed it engine output is also specified in kilowatts so divide by 746 and you have horsepower. As stated above it is all the same thing. There is a difference between advertised horsepower and brake horsepower. Advertised horsepower is what a manufacturer will rate its engine/automobile/machine to produce. Brake horsepower is the actual measured horsepower, for example, of a motor on an engine dynamometer.

What is relation between power and RPM?

Horsepower is calculated from RPM and torque. The higher the RPM you can sustain an engines torque at, the higher the Horsepower. Horsepower and Torque are always the same amount at 5250 RPM with all but diesel powered engines. Also the more rotational mass you can spin at a higher rpm, the more energy it poseses.