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On some makes and models yes they did..they were however factory extras that you had to pay for....

The UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center reports that seat belts first appeared in American cars in the early 1900s,they were very popular because they kept passengers from falling out during bumpy rides, not as a safety precaution against accidents.


In 1950, American automaker Nash emerged with the first factory-installed seat belts in the Statesman and Ambassador models, which consisted of a single belt that stretched across your lap. When it came to auto manufacturers developing seat belts, Volvo led the pack. In 1956, Volvo introduced a two-point cross-chest diagonal belt. The same year, Ford and Chrysler offered lap belts as an extra option on many models...


The Highway Safety Act and the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act were passed in 1966. This led to many improvements in auto design, including the mandatory installation of seat belts in American made vehicles..

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American car manufacturers Nash in 1949 and Ford in 1955 offered seat belts as options.

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