In a closed primary, a voter must disclose their party affiliation in order to vote.
Illinois has a primary election.
closed primary
in mississippi you must vote for the candidate of the party you are registered with or a "closed primary"
A political party's closed primary election is a primary election that is open only to members of the party.
Willowbrook Primary School is permanently closed.
It has a Closed Primary
Closed Primary.
Closed primaries are primary elections that are closed to members of specific parties. For instance, in the Republican primary in South Dakota, only Republicans can vote. In an open primary, party is not a factor.
In a closed primary, only voters registered with a specific political party can participate in that party's primary election. Independent or unaffiliated voters are typically not allowed to vote in closed primaries.
Open primaries allow any voters to participate, while closed primaries are restricted to party members Apex :)
The state of Illinois uses a closed primary election. In a closed primary election, the voter may only vote for the party they are registered with come primary day.