If you have accidental insurance then it will pay, if not it won't.
Accidental Life or commonly known as AD (Accidental Death) Policies will not pay if the cause of death is illness.
Usually the only difference between accidental death life insurance and regular life insurance is the name, although sometimes an accidental death life insurance will pay out more money if the death is accidental.
Accidental insurance does not pay if you die of lung cancer.
No, it will not pay. An aneurysm is not an accident.
Accidental life insurance only pays if you die by direct bodily injury and that no other prior or existing conditions contribute to your death. So accidental life insurance will not pay if you have cancer. Consumers should avoid getting this product at all cost and get traditional life insurance such as term life insurance that will pay no matter how you die.
accidental death and dismemberment
If I understand it correctly, Accidental Death and Dismembermant Insurance will pay ONLY if you lose a limb or are killed in an accident. Life Insurance pays when you die, regardless of how you die.
accidental death is the answer :)
The accidental death insurance does not pay in case the insured dies due to illness.
It won't. Homeowners insurance is protection from sudden accidental losses, it does cover association dues.
No. No insurance policy covers death in case of suicide.