Any high quality #2 lithium based grease for the spindles & axles.
Cub Cadet riding lawn mower's use 30-weight oil. Keeping the oil changed in your Cub Cadet will prolong the life of the mower, and help it run smoothly and efficiently.
form_title= Cub Cadet Lawn Mower form_header= New lawn? Use a Cub Cadet lawn mower. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Have you ever owned a Cub Cadet before?*= () Yes () No Do you want a push or riding mower?*= () Push () Riding
On the Cub Cadet use Fram PH2844 On the Briggs & Stratton use Fram PH8170
A Cub Cadet is a modified tractor designed for use on home lawns. Not exactly a lawn mower, it operates to efficiently cut larger lawns or grass lands.
10W-30 motor oil is recommended for use in a Cub Cadet hydrostatic zero turn lawnmower. Any brand of oil is acceptable.
IH Cub Cadet was a premium line of small tractors, established in 1960 as part of International Harvester. The IH Cub Cadet was an entirely new line of heavy-duty small tractors using components from the previous Cub series tractors. In 1981, IH sold the Cub Cadet division to the MTD corporation, which took over production and use of the Cub Cadet brand name (without the IH symbol), to present day, the MTD models are NOT built anywhere close to the standards of the older IH Cub Cadets, which is really sad and probably a true injustice to the public in that they are "assumed" to be.
I believe that machine uses the Kawasaki FJ180V engine in which case it is 10W30 oil labelled SH or higher
It will go off after the next hour of use
A Cub Cadet is a modified tractor designed for use on home lawns. Not exactly a lawn mower, it operates to efficiently cut larger lawns or grass lands.
Use a screwdriver, pliers or wire and touch both posts at the same time
I use a PHY-3600.. It is longer but the gasket size is perfect
(32 degrees and above, 30w oil) - (32 degrees to 0 degrees, 10w-30) - (32 degrees to -20 degrees below 0 and beyond -20, 5w-20 or 5w-30) Cub Cadets call for a low ash oil. it can be purchased at any cub cadet tractor dealership. i don't use nothing but cub cadet brand oil in my cub cadets because its formulated just for that peticular engine, and has what that engine needs for longevity and power. i guess that's just my personal preferance. just make sure that you use a low ash oil, and if your using 30W, make sure that its straight 30W, not 5w30 or 10w-30 ext.... -Brian-