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Of course. Most insurance companies will not write physical damage coverage on vehicles over 15 or 20 years old. The reason for this is the wide discrepancy in the value of the vehicle of that age. Many companies will write coverage on an antique basis where you get an appraisal from an expert and that way you and the insurance company agree up front as to the value of the vehicle. This way they can also have a way of accurately rating the risk.

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Q: Could you denied full coverage from your insurance company base on the age of your car?
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If you are driving your personal car on a business errand and your car is hit in the parking lot who is responsible for the damage you or the company?

Your insurance company may deny the claim due to business use, but they would be the primary coverage. Insurance stays with the car. But your employer should certainly offer to pay for this damage. I would file with my company and if there is coverage, maybe your employer would pay your deductible, if it is denied then file with your employer. If you would like to provide more details I could be of greater assistance.

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yes, they could be, hopefully they are a company that has it's own insurance coverage.

Can the insurance company at fault deny paing for treatment to injury from auto accident?

Sure. Remember that an insurance policy is a legal contract wherein the insurance company agrees to accept risk from the policy holder according to the terms of the contract. If the policy holder does not live up to the terms of the contract then the insurance company may deny coverage. For example, if the person lied to the insurance company on the application then the insurance company may deny coverage. One of the terms of the policy is that the insured agrees to inform the insurance company of all residents of the home as well as regular drivers. If the insured does not list his 17 year old child who drives one of the vehicles regularly and lives in the house and then the child has an accident the insurance company could not be expected to provide coverage for the accident. Since the insured broke the terms of the policy which is a legal contract then the company probably will not provide coverage because the insured committed material misrepresentation and lied in a significant manner on the application.

How many years is your licensed suspended if you do not have insurance on your car and you get in an accident?

This will depend on your State and what their regulations are regarding this matter. In Georgia, your license will remain suspended until you finish reimbursing the party you hit and their insurance company who may have paid the claim under their uninsured motorists coverage. They will allow you to make payments over time to get it paid off. I remember a 15 year old girl that drove her Mothers vehicle. Because, she wasn't a licensed driver, the insurance company denied coverage and did not pay the claim. She could not get her first license until the $5,000 damage she caused was paid back to the other parties insurance company. The Mom had insurance but did not notify the company of the drivers and let an unlicensed driver drive the car and she new she had no license as it was her daughter.

What are 3 reasons a claim could be denied by an insurance company?

A claim can be denied for a number of reasons, but three examples are" 1. The policy was not in force at the time of the loss. This can occur if the policy never went into force (such as due to the first premium not having been paid), or because it lapsed because subsequent premiums were not paid. 2. The terms of the policy did not cover the type of loss involved. Insurance policies are issued to provide protection for specified categories of risks, If the loss did not fall within the ambit of coverage, it would be denied. Even if arguably within the scope of coverage, an exception or an exclusion to coverage, as stated in the policy, may apply. 3. Misrepresentation of a material fact when applying for the insurance. Insurers rely upon the truth of the answers given by the applicant when issuing a policy. If a loss occurs and the insurer discovers that there had been a material misrepresentation of fact when applying for the policy, coverage could be denied. A misrepresentation is generally held to be material if, had a truthful answer been given to the question, the insurer would have not issued the policy or, if it would have, only at a higher premium.

If birth year is wrong will life insurance claim be denied?

If the birth year is wrong this needs to be brought to the insuring company's attention immediately as the rates and policy are based in part on the age and health condition of the insured. If incorrect information is listed on the policy then that could be grounds for denial of coverage. If a claim is denied because the birth year was answered incorrectly, for any reason, you still have a valid claim. You should contact The Center for Life Insurance Disputes for free counseling.

How do you find classic car insurance online?

Most car insurance companies will offer Classic Car Insurance. For a company that specifically offers this type of insurance one could try Heacock Classic Insurance which offers coverage for both antique and classic cars.

Can homeowners cover hidden water damage behind a wall caused by leaking water from-neighbors bathroom?

It could, But just as with most insurance issues. It all depends on the type of coverage you purchased. The best source of information is your insurance company or your insurance agent to determine the scope of coverage you selected when you purchased your policy.

Does homeowner's insurance cover laptop theft?

One type of insurance that surely cover all your properties within your home is property and casualty insurance. Just make sure that you have a complete inventory of all your items so you could use this in getting the insurance claim fron the insurance company.

Could a person be denied medical insurance because of a genetic predisposition?

Not today.

What happens when a provider fails to obtain precertification?

If a provider fails to obtain precertification for a medical service, the insurance company may deny coverage and the patient may be responsible for the full cost of the service. This can result in financial burden for the patient and could lead to disputes between the provider, patient, and insurance company. It is important for providers to follow insurance company guidelines and obtain precertification to ensure proper coverage for their patients.

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The Rules are that the primary and all other drivers be named on the policy, Otherwise one might think there was an attempt to conceal the true nauture of the risk or otherwise defraud the Insurance Company. Concealment and Fraud, could void all coverage on your policy.