yes a coyote could jump onto a car hood, but it also depends on the height of the car, if it's moving and many other basic thing!!
You Cannot drive the humvees but if you jump on the hood, then jump onto the roof you can get into the hole where the cars gun should be. It makes for good cover ;)
Jump onto the plug/socket and then jump onto the back of the fan and then jump over the fan blade.
First you get on the helipad. Then you jump onto the plank.walk.Jump onto the other Plank. jump onto the small building. Jump onto the other plank. Then you jump onto a the long brown plank. Turn right, walk on. jump onto the skinny Catwalkand walk on. here is the perfect sniping shot!!!
You have to jump onto the counter in the bathroom and than jump from there onto the hair dryer
Go into the bathroom... jump up onto the sink/counter... jump up onto the outlet to the hair drier... jump onto the hair dier...stand on the back of the hair drier making it tip back... jump onto theRED button...air will shoot out.. jump into the air that is shooting out... it will take you into the tub Your Welcome!
Push the green sponge that is under the fridge to the right, jump onto the green sponge then onto the spray, then you can jump onto the trashcan. :)
No, they do not.
Click on one of the tacks on the bulletin board to jump onto it then jump onto the telescope.
Could be oil leaking onto the exhaust, because the exhaust usually runs back there and then to the back of the car
Just jump onto it!!!
You get a van that's about as tall as CJ or a bit smaller, then you drive up to any of the gates, and get your van nice and close to the Security house. Next, you jump on the hood of your van, then the roof, then you jump onto the security house, and jump off the other side.
They can easily clear a 6-foot fence and have been observed leaping onto surfaces 10 feet high.