When my son was old enough to drive solo and have his own car at age 18, the cost of auto insurance was about $290.00 per month. That figure may be lower or higher than other parts of the country.
A 17 year old can get a temporary car insurance, but it will cost quite a fortune.
There is no set price for car insurance for an 18 year old. The amount will be determined by the car insurance company, and the person's driving record.
Contact an Insurance Agent for a rate quote. There is no such thing as an average cost of car insurance for a 17 year old or any other age male.
The average cost of car insurance is around 125 dollars a month for a 24 year old male in Florida. The exact amount will vary with make and model of car.
Contact an insurance agent. They will give you a quote.
$2000 a year or more
Auto insurance will cost around 150 to 200 dollars a month for a 19 year old male. The exact amount depends on type, year, model and make of car and other factors.
The average cost of car insurance for a 22 year old female is $50. However, the exact amount for each individual will be affected by various factors including the person's driving and accident history.
around 250-300
Yes some 16 year old girls can get car insurance.
It depends on your car, driving record and amount of coverage you get.
swallow my load.