Answer: My brilliant cousin reckons when you first turn the key on and start it up, it just tests whether the temperature light is working.
start by check your coolant level. Otherwise it could be temp sensor or fan not coming on to cool car.
Check to coolant level in the coolant recovery tank and radiator when engine is cold
Could be that the coolant level is a bit low and the flashing light is telling you this. The level will drop when the fluid is running thru the motor. When you turn the car off the level rises back to nominal level. Dan
Coolant is used to keep an engine in a vehicle at a temperature safe for operation. If no coolant is in the reservoir, an engine will not start.
automotive manufactures are now using lights instead of gauges to save money and make it more user friendly. Blue coolant light in the instrument cluster means that the engine coolant temperature is still not at the normal operating temperature (cold). Normally happens at cold start (when you first the car up in the morning for example) It will turn off once the coolant temperature reaches normal operating temperature. Note: if the coolant light turns red, it means your engine is over heating and you should turn it off before you cause more damage.
Coolant level warning light. It is either your coolant warning light, wiper fluid warning light or low tire pressure warning light.
You need to find and fix what broke. The first places to start would be coolant level, engine temperature, and dash heater controls.
Yes this is a safety precaution for the system to not allow the A/C system to work when the --- appear in the coolant temperature. Replace the coolant temperature sensor to get this --- to start displaying the temperature again.
Switch the ignition off and start the car again.The light will then stop flashing.
is the check engine light on? if so it may be the coolant temperature sensor...happened to me...if it doesnt turn over at all try the starter or the battery
Coolant level.There are many other posts on the topic, you need to check the coolant level and start from there. Chances are you may have a coolant leak. No coolant = no heat.