it depends what meat u are talking about but as long as it is fully cooked it shouldn't harm you
The danger zone for any food is four to sixty degrees. It can stay in this zone for up to four hours, after that spoilage will begin and bacteria begins to grow. After two hours your turkey should still be ok to cook, just be sure to cook it to al full 180 degrees. Check for this temperature with a meat thermometer in the thickest part of the thigh.
Yes, it will be fine, just cover it up.
A four ounce block.
ninety four
The corrected sentence should read " I like cheese and pizza, but I am not fat".
What is a 5 letter word for cooked
No one can tell you when a cooked turkey will go bad, even if it is left out of the refrigerator. That will depend upon several things, including environmental factors and whether or not it was exposed to contaminants.It is best to see that leftover cooked food is refrigerated within 2 hours or less.If you pulled out the leftovers and forgot to put them back in the refrigerator, it will be up to you to determine if salvaging it is worth the risk.
if the chicken is in the freezer it can usually last a long time. but if you leave it out four just a couple of hours it can start to get bad! it also depends on if it is cooked or not!
some eat cheese
A four letter word for a type of French cheese? Brie?