It depends on the vehicle, some are clockwise thread others counter clockwise. Either way it takes the correct wrench and a holding tool.
A fan motor has two parts namely rotor and stator. In a table fan blades are attached to rotor and its movement appears to be clockwise. In a ceiling fan, blades are attached to stator so blades appears to be moving anti clockwise.
The fan clutch on a 2007 Dodge Ram is turned clockwise to tighten, counter clockwise to loosen.
It requires a 36mm wrench and a spanner/holding device. The fan clutch unscrews counter clockwise.
As you face the engine, you need to turn the nut in a counter-clockwise direction.
to remove a clutch fan on a ford, you need special tools . also fan thread is left hand thread ,so you unscrew it clockwise
Electric fan or fan clutch has failed.
Look at the water pump and see if a fan is attached to it. If so it has a fan clutch. If nothing connects the fan to the water pump then it is a electric fan. Some do, some don't. It depends on what options the Jeep was built with.
A fan clutch can't be tightened, just needs to be replaced.
fan clutch screws off water pump fan pump has left hand thread so to remove you need to turn clockwise
It requires a 36mm wrench and a spanner/holding device. The fan clutch unscrews counter clockwise.