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Q: Clicking sound under dashboard
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What could cause a knocking come clicking sound under the dashboard without the engine started and just the electrics on?

if you have an electrical fuel pump can sometimes do that

What is the noise under dashboard on passenger sideon 406 coupe?

I believe it to be the airbag (passenger) making that humming sound

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under the dashboard under the dashboard

Where is turn signal relay Geo Tracker?

Honey, the turn signal relay in a Geo Tracker is usually located under the dashboard on the driver's side. You might have to do a little yoga to reach it, but it's there. Just follow the clicking sound when you turn on your blinker, and you'll find that little bugger in no time.

What causes a clicking under the dashboard on Subaru Outback?

I just had this happen- I disconnected the battery to try and reset the ECU, and when I plugged it back the clicking started. Apparently it was the remote door lock- just try unlocking/locking your car a few times and see if that helps.

What is causing clicking sound on my 1992 Saturn?

Need a more detailed description of the conditions under which it occurs. As is, we have no way of answering this question.

Where do you find the horn on a 1999 Z24 The fuse is fine but all I hear is a clicking noise when the horn is pressed?

its located under the front right head light. dont worry about the clicking sound its your relay.

Your 2003 ford focus dash goes dead and comes back to life but the car runs fine during the event. I hear a clicking sound under the dash when this happens also?

The "clicking sound" is probably a circuit breaker. If so, you have a short, or overload, in the wiring somewhere.

Why won't the sound on runescape work?

There is an in-game menu to turn up the sound try making sure that you have the setting correct there, you can find this under the spanner icon, then clicking the microphone icon.

How do you fix a 93 Chevy Silverado clicking under the passengers side dashboard?

hey does that clicking make your truck not run right as it clicks?? i have a same problem, dash light go nuts truck doesnt shift right or run right, tack and all gages go crazy!

Where is the turn signal flasher 1991 grand prix?

Under the dash on the drivers side; Turn on the turn signal (if it works) and follow the clicking sound.

Is the alarm module box inside the car dashboard or under the hood dashboard?

Inside of the vehicle under the dash on driver side