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Q: Clara was thrown from an automobile during a crash and had head injuries. Now she can remember things from before the crash but can't seem to make any new memories. What might have been damaged in the?
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Clara was thrown from an automobile during a crash and had head injuries. Now she can remember things from before the crash but she can't seem to make any new memories. What might have been damaged in?


Clara was thrown from an automobile during a crash and had head injuries. Now she can remember things from before the crash but can't seem to make any new memories. What might have been damaged in the crash?


Clara was thrown from an automobile during a crash and had head injuries now she can remember things from before the crash but can't seem to make any new members what might have been damaged?


If you suffered from the dissociation of memories from their emotional content as a result of an automobile accident what part of your brain is probably damaged?

Damage to the hippocampus, which is involved in memory formation and emotional regulation, could lead to dissociation of memories from their emotional content following an automobile accident.

What is damaged when you cant form new memories?

The ability to form new memories is primarily linked to damage in the hippocampus, a region of the brain crucial for memory consolidation. Conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, head injuries, or stroke can affect the function of the hippocampus, resulting in difficulties in forming new memories.

What part of the brain is damaged when you cannot develop new memories?


If a person is not able to form new memories this person may be damaged?


How do ligaments commonly get damaged?

Ligaments can commonly get damaged from a variety of different types of injuries. They can be torn by simply running and twisting the leg, but they can also be torn through participation in sports.

How can nails be damaged by trauma?

The nails can be damaged by nail biting, using the fingernails as tools, and incorrect use of nail files and manicure scissors as well as by accidents and sports injuries.

What preparatory steps are taken before a patient undergoes otoplasty for traumatic injuries?

Plastic surgery for traumatic injuries of the auricle is preceded by thorough cleansing of the wound and debridement of damaged tissue.

John had a head injury from an explosion and now he cannot form new memories what was damaged?

His cringe reactors had died

What is collision automobile insurance?

Collision pays to have your car fixed if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle. There is usually a deductible that you have to pay.