Check the horn, too. If the horn doesn't work, chances are the fuse needs to be replaced. Most cars have the lighter and horn on the same circuit as neither are used simultaneously.
On a 1999 Mercury Cougar : In the passenger compartment fuse panel : ( # 27 ) is a blue color 15 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter Helpfull
For a 2001 Mercury Cougar : In the passenger compartment fuse panel , below the instrument panel ( # 27 is a blue color 15 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter )
27, 15A, blue
How do I fix my cigarette lighter when fuse is good
Did you check for a blown fuse?
try the fuse
On a 2000 Mercury Cougar : In the passenger compartment fuse panel : ( # 27 ) is a blue color 15 amp fuse for the cigarette lighter You can view the 2000 Mercury Cougar owners manual online at : www . motorcraft service . com ( no spaces ) Click on Owner Guides ( the diagram for the passenger compartment fuse panel is on page 175 )
If the cigarette lighter is not working and the ACC fuse, inside the car, left of steering wheel, is still good (radio is working), the "fuse" on the back side of the cigarette lighter socket, a brown wire, has blown. Socket needs to be replaced or fixed with a soldering iron and a new wire.
On a 1996 Mercury Cougar : In the fuse panel under the drivers side of the dash : ( there is a 20 amp fuse , the panel is marked " CIGARLTR" )
Check the fuse. If you use a phone charger or any other aux device in the cigarette lighter most likely blew it.
its the fuse
take a close look at the lighter itself. It's 14 years old and might have a short-circuit in it. You can test that with resistance meter.