I've replaced a ton of these. If you have the tools and the patience do it yourself. a little piece of plastic breaks in these units. The assembly has to be bought from the dealer maybe 70.00 you just have to find all the nuts and bolts to tear it down. I think it was called the shift assembly
my ford freestas 05 started doing that when my break light lever sensor wasnt working. check it to see what happens.
Pull the fuse for the horn.
Your belly button does not close. You are stuck with it for life.
it happened to me too. look under your owners manual it tells you how to move it out of park. its an electrical problem There us a known issue with a plastic lever in the shifter assembly breaking, Chrysler does sell it separately
If it is stuck, that means it is stuck on, so it is already working.
In some cases you can remove a stuck CD from a Jeep Liberty CD player by resetting the player. On the front of the stereo there should be a small hole. Insert a pin or a paperclip into the hole and hit the reset button, then tap the eject button. Also check to make sure all fuses for the player are in working order.
No, it doesn't. The only reason it would stick out is if your belly button stuck out orginally.
More than likely, your brake switch is fused, or stuck down.... here. when you push on the brake, the pedal taps a button to indicate that the brakes have been pressed. this button is a gate to the power provided to the tail lights, therefore, when it is pressed, they light up. this button could be stuck. disconnect the harness and see if the lights go off. if they do, replace the switch.
Check the blower motor resistor
There is a spring retainer in the shifter assembly that is prone to breaking.