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If you don't start right away, you will procrastinate, and I will answer about this later, I promise.

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Q: Cause of not starting right away?
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Not if you clean it out immediately, but if not attended to right away it will most likely cause mold

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it is. it won't happen right away but it' s really unhealthy and can cause you to gain lot's of weight.

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yes get it fixed right away cause around the area were that tooth is will swell on the surface of your face!!!!!!!!!!

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no your gonna have to face them sooner or later. running away from them will just cause you more problems. just face them head on:)

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It might be able to. But not right away. it takes time.

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It means you have a very bad cavity and should see a dentist right away

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Check fuel injectors & or fuel pump.

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It should not if it is properly recorded as a property easement.