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I did! Take it to the bank. If they cash it, good! If not too bad. The worst they can do is say no!!

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Q: Cash out on a car insurance claim. the check is a 2 party check with the lienholder?
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How do you make an insurance claim when you are not insured?

Insurance is a contract in which you, the insured, pay a premium to the insurance company. In return, the insurance company agrees to pay you money-or to pay someone else money on your behalf (in the case of liability insurance) if a covered event occurs. Covered events are outlined in the policy and vary depending upon the kind of insurance involved. In answer to your question, you cannot make a "first-party" insurance claim if you have no insurance. A first-party claim is one against your own insurance company for property that you insured for your own protection. However, regardless of whether or not you had insurance, you may be able to make a "third-party" insurance claim against a party that damaged or destroyed your property, if that party had insurance. Even if they did not, you can make a claim against the party individually if you can prove fault. However, collecting damages from an uninsured third-party is often difficult.

When will your insurance company pay for your collision claim?

If your Motor Car policy covers First Party and your car gets damaged by a collision, the insurance co. will pay for that. Whereas when there is Third Party coverage in your policy and a third party's car gets damaged by your car, the third party's claim will be borne by the insurance co.

What is a lienholder deductible?

Usually a lienholder (a bank, an individual party) requires that the vehicle you purchased from them to have automobile liability insurance. Usually, they want you to carry a $250 Collision and $250 Comprehensive deductibles. They must be added as an additional insured to the auto policy. In case the vehicle is totaled before it's fully paid, they are added as a payee on the check. The loan balance has to be satisfied first. The deductible is applied prior to the check being issued.

How does full coverage insurance work for hit and run with no secondary party?

you would have to claim it on your own insurance.

Motorcycle third party only stolen from house n Ireland is anybody responable?

If you only had 3rd party insurance then you cant claim. Usually the minimum level of insurance is 3rd party, fire and bet is to ring your insurance company and double check what your plan is, also file a report with the gardaí, its possible they can recover the motorbike.

Can the auto insurance check be made out to me?

If the claim is one for property damage and the insurer is paying for the repairs, the check is usually made payable jointly to the body shop and the insured. If the claim is one for damages for bodily injury and the insured was represented by an attorney, the check is normally payable jointly to the lawyer and to the insured. If the claim is made by a third party, you, as theinsured, are not named on it.

I have taken an insurance plan from Emirates Islamic. How can I claim the insurance?

You need to contact them directly to make any claim unless they employ a third party advisor in you locality.

Is it legal for your insurance company to discuss your claim to an outside party?

Most of the time it is alright, in fact your claim could be reported to a national database for other insurance companies.

If someone has made a claim off your car insurance does that mean you have made a claim?

This means that a claim has been made AGAINST you. Your insurance company, in most instances, will not pay the third party until they have discussed the claim with you and verified what happened.

What is the purpose of third party liability insurance?

Third party liability insurance is useful if you are blamed for having caused an accident and someone wishes to file a claim against you. With third party insurance you are insured for claims up to a predetermined amount.

If both parties flee the scene of the accident including the party not at fault how will this effect the insurance claim?

if u both left and someone is filing insurance claim, BOTH parties will get charged with Leaving the scene of an accident and may not be able to file insurance claim

How can a claim be dropped if the other party was at fault and you had only liability insurance on your vehicle?

If you are the claimant, then you just contact the insurance company where you filed your claim again and inform them that you wish to withdraw your claim for damages. If another person is the claimant, then it is up to them to pursue the claim or not.