Jaguar is a car that starts with an "J".=Also there is a car called jupiter.=Jaguar is a car that starts with an "J".=Also there is a car called jupiter.=
Here are some cars that begin with the letters P or J:PeugeotJaguarPorschePontiacPlymouthJeepPintoPanameraPackardPaganiPanozPantherPanteraPininfarina
· Jetta (VW)
Volkswagen Jetta Yes, Jaguar Two classic British cars Jensen Interceptor Jowett Javelin.
Jeep and Jetta (VW) are cars. They begin with the letter J.
All letters J begin (and end) with the letter J.
Open your dictionary to the "J" section.jetjumpingjacketjuicejumpWords that begin with the letter "J"JoggingJagerJager bombJackJumpJailJourneyJacketjelly fishjewelryJamJarJeans
Some verbs that begin with the letter J are:jabjabberjackjeerjeopardizejestjerkjoinjokejourneyjoustjudgeJumpjunk
Some clothes that begin with the letter J are:jacketjeansjumper
The Jordanaires were a gospel group. They begin with the letter J.