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That depends on the nature of the loss. Contact your Insurance Agent and he will be able to advise you on coverage.

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Q: Car parked in garage has a loss will it be covered under home owners or auto policy?
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Where can contents insurance be obtained for tools stored in a garage?

I have my contents covered on my home owners policy.

Does home owners insurance cover repair of garage doors?

If your garage doors were damaged by a covered peril as defined by your home insurance policy then the door would be covered.

Will a home owners policy cover a motorcycle burned in a fire?

If the motorcycle was inside the garage of the house, most likely it will be covered. Check your policy.

Will home owners insurance cover attached garage if it falls down from bad weather?

If the garage is attached to your home then it would be covered under Coverage A of your policy. If the damage was caused by a bad storm then more than likely the damage would be covered under your policy. If you have a HO-3 policy then the damage should be covered. Call you agent and ask him/her to review your policy to determine if the damage is covered before you call your insurance company.

Is a RV and contents covered for fire damage if parked at residence?

They are only covered if they themselves are insured under their own policy.

Does homeowners insurance cover wind and storm damage to detached garage?

If you have wind and hail coverage on your policy and the detached garage is a covered structure on that policy then Yes, your policy would cover the damages.

Is a stolen motorcyle covered under home owners insurance?

No. It covered under a motorcycle policy.

Is a motorcycle covered under homeowners if involved in a garage fire?

Any motor vehicle is not covered under the HO policy.

Is water damage covered by a homeowner's policy?

home owners always need to pay their water policy.

Do you get a surcharge if your motorcycle gets hit while parked?

No, it is covered under your comprehensive part of the policy. You will have to pay the deductible tho.

Is theft from auto in garage an auto or homeowners claim?

The theft of the auto itself would be covered by your auto policy. Damage to your structure caused by burglars would be covered by your homeowner's policy.

Are my children's musical instruments covered by our home owners policy?

This will vary from policy to policy but generally musical instruments are covered. You should check to see if there are any limits on an item's value or any specific clauses in your policy.