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There would be a number of reasons why a car might jerk while you are driving. Your fuel filter could be clogged, something might be wrong with your carburetor, or your fuel pump.

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Q: Car jerks when driving?
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Your car jerks when driving?

Low air pressure in tire, loose wheel, brake pads sticking, wheel bearing defective, or front end out of alignment.

What does it mean when your car bucks?

This means when your car jerks very hard.

When you are driving slow and accelerate your gas it jerks?

Shift to a lower gear.

If a car jerks when driving what is wrong?

When a car jerks or vibrates that usually means that the air preassure in AT LAEST one of the tires is to low. Fill up air in your tires.If that still does not solve the porblem and your car jerks and drifs then you should get your wheels alligned. They are not perpendicular to the road (or flat). That also speeds up tire ware. If your car vibrates at high speeds you should get your wheels balanced. Your wheel gets rotated in a machine, and then tiny weights are added to the wheel to eliminate any heavy spots on the wheel.

Why does a Car jerks after putting in gas?

Water in the gas

What does it men when an automatic car jerks in to fourth gear-?

When an automatic car jerks into fourth gear it could be the transmission. You may need transmission fluid or a new transmission. A licensed mechanic can check the car.

Car jerks around 70mph?

If car jerks around 70 miles per hour, the wheel may off balance. The axle or undercarriage may also have issues.

Your car jerks when you release gas pedal?

Something is wrong

What does it mean when your car jerks when it cranks up?

Trans problem