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if the smoke is coming from the tail pipe it sounds like a blown head gasket or maybe a cracked cylinder head. if not, you may have spilled some coolant on the exhaust or around the radiator. coolant takes time to burn it off.

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Q: Car is smoking after putting in coolant?
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The engine of your car will heat up.

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Off and cooled down. Putting cold coolant into a hot block can crack it. And it can damage the radiator, as well as spitting the coolant back at you.

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If your car is leaking coolant get it fixed and put in the recomended coolant for your car. You should locate that info in the manual, also putting water in the winter is a bad idea since the water could freeze causing engine damage. I supposed you might be able to run it for a while in the summer with just water but get the leak fixed and put in the recomended antifreeze/coolant

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The bigger your car, the more coolant you need to put in. The bigger your engine and car, the more coolant you need

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Smoking Car Productions was created in 1993.

How do you fix your car if it is smoking?

You should explain to the car that smoking is bad for its health.