You can check your car insurance to see what kind of theft is covered by contacting your car insurance company. In addition, you can log in to your car insurance company website account.
Yes, NY does. The major car insurance company for all cases of theft and accident is Geico.
The statistics used that affect car theft insurance premiums, are the amount of thefts and robberies in the neighborhood in which you live.
When a car has been repossessed the person paying the insurance should cancel it.
No, as long as you have let your insurance company know they car is stolen.
In my opinion it does cover theft. To be sure I would call the insurance company of my choice and ask them about their policy.
no Covering theft of personal property in car insurance does not arise at all. You can opt for transit or personal baggage policy coverage.
Paying your insurance premiums do no report to any credit reporting bureaus.
Yes, any 2 door car is a sports car when it comes to paying insurance
No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto theft from a business.