Are you asking how do I handle traffic congestion and parking difficulties? With patients, that's how.
Fancy parking is another way of saying parking the car front facing out and it is indeed much safer. One of the problems with parking is getting the car out of the space and back into the traffic stream. When you have to back into traffic you see less of the traffic on the road. The idea is that it is easier to block traffic for a moment to park than it is to have traffic swerve around you on the way back. Another new trend in parking is to have the lines angled specifically for rear parking. It isn't common but it might be the new trend in traffic safety.
The vehicle exiting the parking space that did not yield to oncoming traffic.
yes router forward traffic to all ports.
Is this taking place on private property parking lot (like a supermarket lot) or in a parking location on a public street? If on a private parking lot it would probably not be illegal to pull out of the spot in the manner you say, traffic laws generally do not apply on private parking lots. However, if you do it without due caution and hit someone or something you can be charged with the collision.
No, you do not initiate a right turn from a parking lane. Parking lanes are not intended to be used as traffic lanes. To initiate a right turn, you should be in the farthest right traffic lane.
no parking use traffic lights
It will cause traffic congestion.
Poverty and crime. Traffic and parking.
Depends on the situation. If you signaled in advance and had room to pull out without interrupting the flow of traffic then the other driver is at fault. However if you did not signal and attempted to pull out without being aware of on coming traffic you are at fault.
The traffic light law was designed to regulate and control the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic at intersections to improve safety and prevent accidents. It assigns right of way to different directions of traffic using colored lights to signal when to stop, proceed, or yield.
uncontrolled traffic intersections