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Im not familiar with Colorado but in most states or at least in the states that I am aware of ,if you owe a balance yes they can garnish your wages to fulfill the obligation.

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Q: Can your wages be garnished in the state of Oklahoma for a volitary repo?
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Can a payday loan garnish your wages in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma State law is very clear that if a lender does not re-pay their loan, Payday Lenders may ONLY have a persons wages garnished by Court Order. So, the short answer is yes.

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Can a state of Illinois retirement pension be garnished?

Yes, wages can be garnished in Illinois.

Can wages in Oklahoma be garnished by Oklahoma tax commission and a payday loan at the same time?

No. Wages may only be garnished by government entities in the state of Oklahoma. However, if the payday loan company took the time to obtain a judgement against the debtor, that judgement may be enforced through garnishing (but through the courts, not by the payday loan providers). One can, however, have multiple government agencies garnishing wages at the same time.

Can wages be garnished over a repossession in Oklahoma?

If they have followed the laws and have a court order, yes.

Can wages be garnished on foreclosed homes?

Not if wages are exempt in the applicable state. Yes if they are not.

In ny state can wages be garnished for private educational loans?

Yes. Wages can be garnished for any debt that is legally incurred and documented.

How much can your wages be garnished in NJ?

State and federal laws mandate how much wages can be garnished in New Jersey. Creditors can take up to 25% of wages in New Jersey.

Can retirement in Alabama be garnished?

Retirement and pensions cannot be garnished in the state of Alabama. Alabama also limits the amount that can be garnished from wages.

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