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The best advice I can give you as an insurance agent is not to allow people who are not listed on your insurance policy to drive your vehicles, ever. This is not to say your company will not cover someone driving your vehicle with your permission but it will bring up questions. Insurance companies are very wary these days about unlisted drivers who have claims driving an insured vehicle. Your policy states that you must notify all residents of your household as well as any regular driver of any of your vehicles. I have seen several occasions where claims are denied because the insured did not comply with these requirements. This is not to say you can't lend a vehicle to a friend whose car will not start one morning. Just remember you are also loaning them your insurance and your insurance record. How many days makes them a regular driver? A child who lives at college is still a resident of your household. Be very careful jeopardizing your insurance record that you have worked to build up.

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Q: Can your insurance cover a person who has your permission to drive but is not in insurance and has a accidents?
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Depends on the insurance policy. A good one will cover both, as long as the driver has permission to drive the car, and the policy owner can cover a rental or a new vehicle.

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The cover amount in insurance is the amount of money that covers the said person up to a certain amount of money just in case of a of any accidents or deaths. If any of these cases arise the insurance company pays you an agreed upon cover amount.

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If your car was taken without your permission, your insurance company may still cover the claim. However, it would be considered as a theft of vehicle and they may look for reimbursement from the other non-permitted driver's insurance to cover the loss.

If a friend borrows your car without permission and gets into an accident will his insurance cover it?

First of all a friend does not borrow your car without your permission- if they used it without your permission they really arent your friend and they technically stole your car- Unauthorized use of a motor vehicle- Their insurance will cover them only if you file a complaint with the police stating that the person did not have your permission to use the car. Otherwise your insurance will cover the loss and your rate may jump or you may get cancelled. Your call- depends on how much the claim is and how good the friend is

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No..but some homeowners will cover boats...check with your agent.

Why would a person require Personal Accident Insurance?

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