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If there is an outstanding balance regarding the original loan amount after the vehicle is sold at public auction the lender can file civil suit against the borrower/debtor. If the lender is awarded a judgment it can be executed as a wage garnisment or other methods of recovery of monies owed as allowed by the laws of the state.

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Q: Can your income be garnished for a vehicle repossession in Mississippi?
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Can your federal income tax return be garnished?

If you owe back taxes, or owe the social security, have a judgment aginest you the taxes can be garnished.

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In some rare cases these can be garnished, but are not usually. Your income that is coming in from a job is generally what is garnished.

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Virtually any income can be garnished as long as it isn't means tested, such as SSI or public assistance.

Can someones income be garnished at 100 percent?

No, the typical amount allowed is 25% of disposable income.

Can a widows social security income be garnished by a private business?

The answer is no!

Can federal work study income be garnished?

No. Federal work study funds are for educational expenses only and cannot be garnished.

Can your federal wages be garnished?

Yes. Employment income from federal wages can be garnished for taxes, fines, or judgments if lawfully executed.